Orchards and Vineyards
We offer comprehensive solutions in the field of orchard wires, guy ropes and nets, clips, stringers, dilators or clamps. We are the sole distributor of Bekaert in the area of Agro wires in Poland. We also manufacture components for the construction of anti-hail structures.
Poland is one of the largest apple producers in Europe. A large part of our offer concerns products needed for the construction of orchards. We manufacture clips for bamboo, aluminium and plastic posts. Another important group of elements are clamps for concrete or wooden end posts and various models of clamps for mounting tensioners and guy-ropes. We offer Bekaert wire with multiple diameters depending on the application. We encourage you to read our catalogue and information about the unique ZnAl (Bezinal®) coating used in the wires we distribute.
Stebofix L13—L15
Stebofix L13—L15
Stebofix L13—L15
We manufacture a wide range of wire elements used in wine growing. We make tensioners, chains, dilators and other products, depending on the needs of spring, low carbon, galvanized, stainless wire or with ZnAl (Bezinal®) coating. The primary recipients of our products are Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Austria and France. We also help Polish clients who are increasingly taking up growing grapes.
V-0E clip
Wire spreader – wooden post
Wire spreader